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What Syllabi do you cater to?Skill development in Advanced Mathematics for Year 8 - Year 13. AP Curriculum American Syllabus. Common Tests: SSAT, PSAT, SAT, ACT, UKCAT, BMAT, GMAT,Cambridge Entrance, Oxford Entrance PAT, MAT
What external examination do you train students for?We understand that external examinations are ways in which the more ambitious among students can gauge their standing at the international level. 1. American Maths Challenge (AMC) 2. Canadian GAUSS 3. UNSW Mathematics Competition 4. Singapore Maths Olympiad 5. International Maths Olympiad 6. Waterloo Euclid 7. Kangaroo 8. UKMT
How will I tell if my child needs tutoring?Answer the following and you will have an answer: Have your child’s academic scores been falling? Do they feel increasingly disinclined to complete their homework? Do they feel less confident about gaining a particular score range in tests? If your response to any of these questions is in ‘yes’, your child needs personally curated lessons offered through tutoring.
What makes SelexIQ so successful?Selexiq doesn’t offer generalized course based tutorial services but offers individually curated tutorial programmes that identify the individual strengths and weaknesses of the students and help accordingly. Student’s self-confidence and motivation is the most prioritized goal while our tutors gradually fine tune the academic lacks or missing links in the knowledge and application domain that students need to excel and achieve their potential. Selexiq offers professional help at individualized level.
How well-liked is SelexIQ among students?SelexIQ is highly liked among our students. Our students remember our services and its role in their career growth. Their testimonies to Selexiq excellence shows that we are highly liked among our students.
How would I be able to monitor my child's development?Our tutors are directly accessible and parents can always enquire about their children’s progress or performance. Besides this, we also conduct regular in-house assessments and the results can be accessed through our official contact channels as well.
Is it possible for SelexIQ to assist a student who has lost motivation?We stand for student motivation and self-driven improvement efforts from them. Often we encounter students who have faced low performances and criticism and feel low on self-confidence and motivation. However, our teaching philosophy is based upon identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the students. We constantly remind our students of their strengths while we also work on their weaknesses to transform them into the best of themselves. Hence, even the students without self-motivation find their self-confidence and motivation to do better.
Is there a way for SelexIQ to collaborate with my child's instructor or school?Yes, that is one of the ways that we work. We always include all the key stakeholders in the child’s academic performance to chart out the best tutorial services and aid.
Who are the Tutors at SelexIQ?Our tutors are instructors who really enjoy what they do! They also received extensive training and certification to offer our Tutor services. SelexIQ tutors not only guarantee that your kid learns, but also that he or she loves the experience of learning!
Is state testing preparation available at SelexIQ?Yes, our Rx Reading, Amazing Math, and Write Way services are all designed to give children the skills they need to succeed in state education, learning, and life!
How much would it cost to join SelexIQ?The expense of a SelexIQ curriculum differs since we consider each child like an individual, so the duration of the program and the payment plans are the most critical considerations. Tutoring Club, on the other side, would be able to inform you the duration and expense of your student's curriculum during a student review. The greatest thing is that both the duration of the degree and the tuition are assured
What's the next move for me?Simply call +971-4-3791117 to speak with a SelexIQ Director on how SelexIQ will help your child succeed! or register via
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